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Posted by Revive Financial on Nov 14, 2023 9:24:00 AM

Navigating the labyrinth of debts can be a daunting task, especially when you're juggling multiple loans, each with its own set of terms and conditions. If you're an Aussie looking for a simpler way to manage your debts, you've come to the right place.

This comprehensive guide aims to demystify the world of debt consolidation loans that are easy to get approved for. From understanding the criteria for easy approval to exploring top lenders and even alternatives, this article has got you covered. So, let's dive in and find the best path to financial freedom for you.

Criteria for Easy Approval of Debt Consolidation Loans

The Essentials for Quick Approval

When it comes to quick approval, lenders often look for stability and reliability. Having a stable job with a consistent income is a big tick in your favour. Some lenders even have a minimum income requirement, so the higher your income, the better your chances. Also, if you've been with your current employer for a long time, that's another point in your favour.

Credit Score: How Much Does It Really Matter?

In the realm of easy approvals, your credit score might not be the deal-breaker you think it is. While traditional lenders such as banks may be stringent, online platforms are often more lenient. Various companies focus more on your current financial situation rather than past mistakes. So, a less-than-perfect credit score won't necessarily lock you out.

What You Need to Qualify

Here's where we get into the specifics. To make your approval process as smooth as possible, consider the following:

Debt-to-Income Ratio: Lenders love low ratios. It shows them you're not drowning in debt and can manage another loan.

Collateral: Got assets? You can use them. Secured loans are often easier to get approved for. But remember, you're putting your asset on the line.

Co-Signers: If your credit score is holding you back, a co-signer with a strong financial standing can tip the scales in your favour.

Debt Consolidation Loans and Alternatives

When it comes to consolidating your debts, you've got a few options to consider. Let's dive into the types of loans and alternatives available to you.

Types of Debt Consolidation Loans

Debt Consolidation Loans

These are specialised loans tailored for the sole purpose of consolidating your debts. Unlike general-purpose loans, they come with features that make debt management easier. For instance, they usually offer longer repayment periods, which can reduce your monthly payment amount. Additionally, they often have lower interest rates compared to high-interest credit cards, potentially saving you a heap of money over time.

Transfer Credit Card Balance

If high-interest credit card debt is your main concern, consider transferring your balance to a card with a lower interest rate. Many cards offer introductory periods with zero or low interest, giving you a window to pay down your debt more affordably. However, be mindful of the transfer fees and the interest rates that kick in after the introductory period.

Secured Loans

Secured loans offer another avenue for debt consolidation. Unlike unsecured loans, these require you to put up an asset as collateral—be it your home, car, or even investments. The upside? You're likely to get a lower interest rate compared to unsecured loans or credit cards. This can translate to significant savings over the life of the loan. But here's the catch: if you default on the loan, you risk losing the asset you've used as collateral. So, while secured loans can be a financially savvy move, they come with their own set of risks. Make sure you're fully aware of the implications and are confident in your ability to repay the loan before going down this path.

Personal Loans

A personal loan is often the first option people consider for debt consolidation. It allows you to borrow a lump sum that you can use to pay off multiple debts, leaving you with a single monthly payment.

Alternatives to Debt Consolidation Loans

Financial Counselling

Financial counselling services offer you the opportunity to consult with a financial expert to review your current financial landscape. These professionals can provide customised advice on budgeting, debt management, and even negotiate with creditors on your behalf. If you're feeling swamped and in need of expert direction, this is a fantastic initial step to set you on the path to financial stability.

If you're in Australia and seeking free and independent advice, the National Debt Helpline is an excellent resource to consider for additional support.

Temporary Hardship Plan

A Temporary Hardship Plan offers a focused 3-month strategy to provide immediate relief from unsecured debts. This approach is effective in putting a stop to intrusive calls and letters from debt collectors. The application process is simple and straightforward, leading to a solution that is tailored to individual financial circumstances. A key benefit is the consolidation of multiple debts into one manageable monthly payment. Whilst this is a short-term measure, it can offer the breathing room needed to take the first steps toward longer-term financial stability. Note that this plan is not intended to be a long-term financial solution.

Debt Management Solution

Debt Management Solutions are structured strategies designed to help you manage your debts over a specified time frame. These plans are not one-size-fits-all; they're tailored through negotiations with your creditors and often result in reduced payments and/or lowered interest rates. The aim is to make your debt more manageable and ease the financial strain you're under. Keep in mind that whilst these plans can be a financial lifesaver, they're not exactly a credit score's best mate. This will need to be considered when you weigh your options.


Bankruptcy is a financial strategy that should be approached with caution, generally as a last resort. It offers the possibility of wiping out most of your debts, but this relief comes at a cost. Your credit rating will suffer, making it more difficult to secure loans in the future. While some of your assets could be at risk, it's not a guarantee that you'll lose everything.

Beyond the numbers, bankruptcy also has emotional and social dimensions. It's a significant decision that shouldn't be taken lightly, but for some, it may offer a viable route to financial stability.


Top Lenders for Easy Debt Consolidation

Online Lenders: Online lenders stand out for their speed and convenience, allowing you to complete the entire application process from the comfort of your home. They're renowned for their fast online applications and immediate decisions, perfect for those requiring funds swiftly. Many also emphasise tailored loan solutions, giving borrowers a wide range of flexibility in repayment terms.

Secured Loans: Secured loans can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, they can make the approval process smoother and might even fetch you a lower interest rate. On the other hand, you're putting your asset at risk. It's crucial to weigh the pros and cons carefully and perhaps consult a financial advisor before going this route.

Peer-to-Peer Lending: Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending platforms connect individual borrowers directly with individual or institutional investors. This cuts out the middleman, often resulting in lower interest rates and fees. Plus, P2P platforms usually have more flexible approval criteria, making it easier for people with less-than-perfect credit to get a loan.

Short-Term or Payday Loans: Short-term or payday loans are the financial equivalent of a double-edged sword. They're incredibly easy to get, often requiring just a simple online application and minimal credit checks. However, this ease comes at a steep price—exorbitant interest rates and fees. These loans are designed to be paid back quickly, usually within a month or so. If you fail to do that, the costs can spiral out of control. Given the high risks involved, it's crucial to consider this option only if you're absolutely certain you can repay the loan quickly and have no other alternatives.

Is the Easiest Loan the Best Choice?

The allure of easy approval is tempting, isn't it? But before you jump at the first loan that offers quick and hassle-free approval, let's take a step back and consider if the easiest path is genuinely the best one for your financial well-being.

The Trade-Off Between Ease and Cost

The reality is, the easier a loan is to get, the more likely it is to cost you in the long run. Lenders aren't in the business of taking risks; if they offer you a loan without stringent checks, they'll make up for it elsewhere—usually in the form of higher interest rates or additional fees. For instance, payday loans might be quick to secure, but they often come with interest rates that can exceed 400% on an annual basis. So, while you might get quick relief, you could end up in a worse financial position than when you started.

What to Watch Out For

Hidden Fees: Always read the fine print. Some loans come with hidden fees that can add up quickly. Look out for application fees, early repayment fees, and service charges that aren't immediately obvious.

Variable Interest Rates: Some loans might offer low introductory interest rates that skyrocket after a certain period. Make sure you know what you're signing up for.

Loan Terms: A longer loan term might make your monthly payments more manageable, but it also means you'll be paying off the loan—and accumulating interest—for a longer time.

Penalties: Be aware of the penalties for missed or late payments. These can be hefty and add to your financial burden.

Your Credit Score: Every loan application and the resulting checks can impact your credit score. If you're applying for multiple 'easy' loans, you could be inadvertently damaging your creditworthiness.

You're armed with the facts, so what's next? Consider speaking with one of our debt solution specialists at 1800 534 534, or complete our quick 5-minute Online Debt Assessment to better understand your options.

Topics: Debt Consolidation, Personal Debt, debt consolidation loans, Recent Articles

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