Are the latest round of COVID-19 outbreaks and lockdowns losing your business customers and revenue?
To ease the financial and mental strain, a wide range of new and ongoing COVID-19 government support packages are currently in place, many for SMEs. They include both federal and state government grants and assistance programs.
While this is good news, it has been hard to keep up. In fact, calls to the Small Business Debt Helpline have skyrocketed from July, with the most common problem being uncertainty and confusion over what’s available, to whom, and when.
To provide some clarity, we’ve pulled together a September 2021 snapshot of the grants and support available, both nationwide and broken down by state.
- National
- New South Wales
- Western Australia
- Queensland
- South Australia
- Northern Territory
- Australian Capital Territory
- Tasmania
- Victoria
- Evidence of Eligibility
Federal government grants available nationwide for SMEs
JobMaker Plan
- Lower taxes, including instant asset write-off threshold and full expensing of depreciable assets
- An additional $14 billion in new and accelerated infrastructure projects
- $4 billion JobMaker Credit Hiring Scheme to incentivise businesses to employ additional young job seekers aged 16-35
Assistance for affected regions, communities and industries
- $110 million initiative to help agricultural and fisheries sector to export produce into key overseas markets, with return flights bringing back medical supplies
- 12.7 million for small regional businesses (19 employees or less) to access free and confidential financial counselling
Insolvency reforms to support small business
- New formal debt restructuring process for small businesses
- New simplified liquidation process for SMEs
- Additional measures to ensure the insolvency industry can move quickly
$500 million loans for exporters
- Targeted COVID-19 loans for established and previously profitable exporters who can’t gain finance from commercial lenders ($250k-$50 million)
Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand (RISE) Fund
- $75k-$2 million grants for arts and entertainment companies to restart, re-imagine or recreate activities (includes festivals, concerts and tours)
Travel support program
- One-off grants of $1,500 to $100,000 for travel agents and tour companies under the Australian Government’s COVID-19 Consumer Travel Support Program to help pay refunds and credits
SME Recovery Loan Scheme
- Continued assistance to businesses that received Job Keeper
NSW commonwealth business tax relief
- Tax-free grants, including the new small business payments
- Administrative relief to NSW business taxpayers facing hardship, including reduced payment plans and no interest on late payments
New South Wales (NSW) COVID-19 small business government grants
Grant available | Details |
JobSaver payments |
COVID-19 business support grant |
Payroll tax waivers |
Micro business grant |
Support for landlords |
Deferral of gaming tax assessment |
Art stimulus package |
Workplace mental health projects |
NSW government’s small business advisory program |
NSW export assistance package |
Payroll tax cuts |
Jobs Plus program |
Digital vouchers |
Visit the Service NSW website for more information and to apply.
Western Australia (WA) COVID-19 small business government grants
Grant available | Details |
Small business development corporation hotline |
Grants for commercial landlords |
New Industries Fund |
Electricity Credit |
Small Business Boost |
Visit the Small Business Development Corporation for more information and to apply.
Queensland (QLD) COVID-19 small business government grants
Grant available | Details |
Commercial and Residential Rent Relief |
State land rent referral for tourism operators |
Fee waiver and refunds for commercial tourism daily passenger fees |
Touring Queensland Fund |
2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants for lockdown-impacted businesses |
COVID-19 Disaster Payment |
COVID-19 Cleaning Rebate |
Payroll tax relief for tourism and hospitality businesses |
The Local Buying Foundation |
Visit the Business Queensland website for more information and to apply.
South Australia (SA) COVID-19 small business government grants
Grant available | Details |
COVID-19 Business Support Grant |
COVID-19 Additional Support Grant |
Jobs and Economic Growth Fund |
Tourism Industry Development Fund |
Major Events Support Grant |
Visit the SA Business Information Hub for more information and to apply.
Northern Territory (NT) COVID-19 small business government grants
Grant available | Details |
$65m Jobs Rescue and Recovery |
Jobs, Rescue and Recovery Plan |
JobMaker Booster |
Not-for-Profit Tourism Attraction Survival Payment |
Small Business Survival Payment |
Visit the NT government website for more information and to apply.
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) COVID-19 small business government grants
Grant available | Details |
Economic survival package |
Visit the ACT Government Business Hub for more information or to apply.
Tasmania (TAS) COVID-19 small business government grants
Grant available | Details |
Targeted industry assistance: Tourism, hospitality and Fisheries |
Payroll tax |
Second economic package |
$150m local government loan scheme |
Business growth loan scheme |
Business vehicle registration relief package |
Event Ready Grant |
Hire and Drive Reimbursement Program |
Minding your Business |
Technology grants for mental health and drug and alcohol service providers |
Tasmanian Renewable Hydrogen Action Plan |
Rapid Response Skills Matching Service |
Free business advice |
Free digital coaching |
Jobs Plan |
Visit the Tasmanian Government website for more information and to apply.
Victoria (VIC) COVID-19 small business government grants
Grant available | Details |
Business Continuity Fund |
Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021 |
Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme and Landlord Hardship Fund |
Small Business COVID Hardship Fund |
Alpine Business Support Program |
Night-time Economy Business Support Initiative |
Business Recovery and Resilience Mentoring |
Wellbeing and Mental Health Support for Small Businesses |
Victorian Business Growth Fund (VBGF) |
Economic Survival Package to Support Businesses and Jobs |
Land tax relief program |
Experience Economy Survival Package |
Business Adaptation Program – Food Businesses |
Alpine business grants |
Business Adaptation Package – digital presence |
Waivers and Deferrals |
Events Support Package |
Jobs Victoria Fund |
$60m Manufacturing and Industry Development Fund |
Business Recovery and Resilience Mentoring |
Circuit Breaker Business Support Package |
Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund |
Visit the Victorian Government coronavirus website for more information and to apply.
As lockdown and other restrictions continue in many parts of the country, these state and federal government grants can help reduce the stress.
In many cases, evidence of eligibility is required, including:
- Proof of business registration
- Proof of impact or potential impact of COVID-19
- Evidence of your business being an SME/employing less than the relevant threshold number of personnel
So make sure you’re prepared before you apply.
Are you struggling to manage your business debt due to the latest COVID-19 restrictions? Get in touch our team of specialists today on 1800 861 247.