Important information before you get started.

Some errors have been found in the information that you have provided. Pleave review the below questions and resolve any errors to continue with the form.

Your Details

Your First Name

Your Last Name

Your Email

Your Phone

Phone number must be 10-digits long and begin with a 0. (e.g. 04 1234 5678)

1.You've got a Duty of Disclosure

Before you enter into an agreement with us, you have a duty to disclose any accurate and relevant information regarding your financial circumstances that may affect the service that you are eligible to enter into.

This may include:

  • Personal information
  • Statements for outstanding secured and unsecured debts
  • Relevant financial statements
  • Evidence of Income
  • Proof of Australian residency status

2.We Take Your Privacy Seriously

At Revive Financial Group, we are committed to protecting your privacy at all times. We are bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (“the Privacy Act”) that outlines how we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information.

By visiting our website, having a telephone call with our team members or applying for a service, you agree and consent to your personal information being collected, held, used and disclosed as set out in our Privacy Policy.

We take reasonable precautions to secure your personal information and ensure it is protected against unlawful use, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

Your Financial Situation

Some errors have been found in the information that you have provided. Pleave review the below questions and resolve any errors to continue with the form.

Your Debts

What kind of debts do you have?

If you were required to provided your Car details to obtain any Personal Loans, please include these loans under Car Loan.


It’s necessary for you to disclose all of your debts including secured and unsecured so that we can determine what the best debt relief solution for you will be.

Best decision I ever made. This was the easiest and best thing I have ever done. I was losing sleep over my finances. I rang and spoke to a real person. No judgements, just helpful assistance.


Did you know?

Under a Debt Management Plan (DMP), there are no restrictions on travel. A DMP allows you to repay your debts affordably and avoid the consequences and restrictions of declaring bankruptcy.


Are you currently up-to-date with your unsecured debt repayments?


Make sure you select all circumstances that apply to your situation.


What circumstances affected your ability to repay your debts on time?

Your Income

Debt resolved! Huge worry resolved in a very short time. Stress was really getting me down. All staff involved were extremely helpful and understanding. Was very surprised at all resolved.


Did you know?

There are a number of benefits a Debt Management Plan (DMP) can provide you with when you’re struggling with debt. It pauses your interest, puts a stop to creditor harassment and allows you to be debt free in as little as 3 years.

Some errors have been found in the information that you have provided. Pleave review the below questions and resolve any errors to continue with the form.


Are you working at the moment?

Your Living Arrangements

I found the service to be very professional, but also friendly and the whole process was made easy to navigate through due to the assistance and support provided.


Did you know?

Revive Financial's services are offered Australia-wide. No matter where you are in the country, if you’re struggling with debt, we can find the best solution to help get your finances back on track.

Some errors have been found in the information that you have provided. Pleave review the below questions and resolve any errors to continue with the form.

What are your current living arrangements?

What post code do you live in?

Post code must be 4-digits long (e.g. 4567).

People in Household



Your Solution

Your Affordable Debt Repayment

After considering your estimated household expenditure we calculated your affordable debt repayment to be:

$0 Weekly

Affordable payment calculation calculated as Income – (Mortgage Payments + Rent + Board + Secured Loan Payments + Expected Household Expenditure). Expected expenditure is estimated using the Household Expenditure Measure (HEM) table.

Please consider your existing financial obligations when answering the following question. The amount you provide should allow you to still afford to live after making this payment.

What could you realistically afford to put towards your unsecured debts?


This does not include current secured debt repayments including general living expenses such as rent, utility bills and groceries.

Please select your preferred option...

Revive Financial offer a range of solutions tailored towards Australians looking to simplify their financial commitments and eliminate financial stress. Based on our Online Assessment, we've outlined a brief explanation of our financial solutions deemed appropriate to your circumstances:


Mortgage Refinance

You may be eligible to refinance your home loan, allowing you to access equity in your property or a better rate. This can provide the opportunity to consolidate your credit card debts and personal loans, reduce fees, and alleviate stress.

Unavailable due to:

  • Limited property value being accessible at this point in time
  • Current ability to meet repayment requirements

Consolidation Loan (Recommended)

Taking out a personal loan may be all you need to consolidate your finances and take back control of your debts. This will be dependent on your credit score, income, and capacity to service a new loan. Our experts can review your ability to access this option.

Unavailable due to:

  • Current ability to meet repayment requirements
  • Outstanding pay day loans
  • Current repayment status on existing debts

Debt Management Plan (Recommended)

Based on our Online Assessment, we estimate you could clear your unsecured debts of $total unsecured debt with a weekly payment of $affordable debt repayment over Renting = 3-5 years, Owner = 5-7 years via a Debt Management Plan. Complete our Online Application Form to provide further details on your debts, and find out how much you could save.

Unavailable due to:

  • Current ability to meet repayment requirements

Bankruptcy (Recommended)

Bankruptcy generally last 3 years, can release you from obligations to repay unsecured debts and provide you with a fresh start. Our team of Bankruptcy experts are ready to review your details and discuss exactly how Bankruptcy would work for you.

Unavailable due to:

  • Income exceeding required thresholds 
  • Property value exceeding threshold limits

Do Nothing

Ignoring unmanageable debt is common, and often causes debts to spiral eliminating simple solutions that were available if early action was taken. Based on your affordable payment amount, we estimate you could pay up to Do Nothing Total over Do Nothing term to repay debts without assistance. We always recommend speaking to our team about available solutions to ensure you are informed on your options to address debt, and your potential savings.

**Total payable assumes interest rate of 15% across all unsecured debts**

Mortgage Refinance

You may be eligible to refinance your home loan. Take back control today to:

  • Access Your Equity
  • Gain A Better Interest Rate & Reduce Fees
  • Reduce Debt Stress

Talk to a Customer Success Specialist...

Our friendly Customer Success Specialists are available (8:30am - 5:00pm AEST, Mon - Fri) to assist you with any questions that you have.

Give them a call or book an appointment at a time that suits you.


Consolidation Loan

Given the information you’ve provided you could qualify for a consolidation loan. Take back control today to:

  • Get One Easy-To-Manage Repayment
  • Gain A Better Interest Rate & Reduce Fees
  • Reduce Debt Stress

Talk to a Customer Success Specialist..

Our friendly Customer Success Specialists are available (8:30am - 5:00pm AEST, Mon - Fri) to assist you with any questions that you have.

Give them a call or book an appointment at a time that suits you.


Debt Management Plan

Based on the information you’ve provided, your Debt Management Plan could look like this:

Weekly Repayment: $

Payment Term:

Potential Savings: $ *

*Potential savings calculated using your affordable payments if made directly to creditors assuming a 15% interest rate on total unsecured debt.

Take back control today to:

  • Reduce Your Debts
  • Pause Interest
  • Stop Harassing Calls & Letters

Talk to a Customer Success Specialist...

Our friendly Customer Success Specialists are available (8:30am - 5:00pm AEST, Mon - Fri) to assist you with any questions that you have.

Give them a call or book an appointment at a time that suits you.



Take back control today with Bankruptcy and wipe the slate clean:

  • Clear your overwhelming debts
  • Stop harassing creditor calls & letters
  • Potentially save the family home & car

Talk to a Customer Success Specialist...

Our friendly Customer Success Specialists are available (8:30am - 5:00pm AEST, Mon - Fri) to assist you with any questions that you have.

Give them a call or book an appointment at a time that suits you.