Revive Financial

Australian Government Debt Consolidation Loans: Fact or Fiction | Revive

Written by Revive Financial | Feb 16, 2024 12:05:00 AM

You've probably heard whispers or even loud claims suggesting that the Australian Government offers debt consolidation loans. It's a tantalising thought, especially when you're knee-deep in various debts and looking for a lifeline. But how much truth is there to these claims? Let's set the record straight and separate fact from fiction.

Fact or Fiction?

The burning question on everyone's mind: Does the Australian Government actually offer debt consolidation loans? The straightforward answer is no.

While the government does provide various forms of financial assistance and resources, direct debt consolidation loans are not among them.

What Resources Does the Australian Government Provide for Debt Management?

The government supports individuals in debt through various means, like the National Debt Helpline, offering free financial counselling. Additionally, ASIC's MoneySmart website is a treasure trove of debt management tools, and tips.

Understanding Your Debt Management Options

Moving beyond government support, let's delve into other debt management options you might consider.

Speak to a Qualified Professional

Talking to a qualified professional before you choose a debt solution is essential. They bring a clear perspective by breaking down complex options, from Debt Management Plans to Bankruptcy, and tailor advice specific to your financial circumstances.

Debt Management Plan

A Debt Management Plan is a tailored strategy that helps you manage your debts over a specified timeframe. These plans not only work towards drastically reducing your monthly payments and cutting down interest rates but also aim to simplify your financial situation. By consolidating your debts into one manageable monthly payment, a DMP can streamline your finances, reducing the stress and complexity of handling multiple creditors. This singular focus can free you to concentrate on your financial health and future, without the burden of juggling several debts.


Bankruptcy is a last-resort option that can wipe out most of your debts. While it offers immediate relief, it comes with long-term consequences, including a significant hit to your credit rating. It's a serious decision that should be made with caution.

Financial Counselling

If you're feeling overwhelmed and in need of expert guidance, financial counselling is an excellent first step. National Debt Helpline, as mentioned earlier, is a valuable resource for free and independent advice in Australia.

Other Options

  • Transfer Credit Card Balance: Consider moving your high-interest credit card debt to a card with a lower rate. Many cards offer low or zero interest initially, but watch out for transfer fees and future rate hikes.
  • Consider Using Home Equity: If you're a homeowner with built-up equity, you might use it to clear debts. This option often has lower interest rates but risks your home if you default. Proceed with caution.

You're armed with the facts, so what's next? You can have an obligation-free discussion with one of our qualified professionals at 1800 534 534, or complete our quick 5-minute Online Debt Assessment to understand your options. Remember, the goal is not just to make your life simpler but to set yourself on a path to long-term stability.